I'll start with I've been doing lots of research. Really. LOTS! Lots of studies. Lots of cruising the Internets. Lots of talking to other Granola Mama's...
Then I read What's Eating Your Child? by Kelly Dorfman. Seriously, amazing book. If you are wanting to learn about nutrition, read it. It has a good wealth of info in layman's terms [with some technical stuff for those of you whose eyes don't glaze over at that sort of thing...]
First, I have to consider these things [when addressed nutritional stuff]:
- What are the facts of issues? [illnesses/ events that have led to the present situation]?
- What symptoms worry me the MOST?
- When did the symptoms start?
- Do the symptoms come & go?
- What else was happening in our lives when the symptoms started?
- What was the diet like when the symptoms started?
- Was there medicine involved w/ the situation? When did it start/ stop?
So here's a short summary of changes I would like to make for me & my family [and the reasons WHY- note that a couple of these we're already doing]:
- Eliminate dairy [at least in form of milk and ice cream] for my kids who are still on it. [Substitute almond milk.] The why: Lactose sensitivity runs in my family & can be manifested different ways. Usually milk & ice cream are the worst culprits for myself & my eldest.
- Eliminate gluten based foods [don't worry about "hidden" ingredients at first], and move over to a more paleo-friendly diet [this will add more veggies & fruits to our diets.] The why: Gluten sensitivity runs in both my family & my hubby's. There's been lots of tummy [pain] problems, skin issues, weight loss [for my eldest]; fatigue; anemia; moodiness problems, gassiness, & lots of craving that.
Gluten free info: Celiac.org; Celiac.com; Living Without; Easy Paleo; Paleo OMG; - Add at least one new food every 2 weeks [where every one has to try at least one bite of that food for that 2 weeks.] The why: So that we can broaden what we eat in a non-confrontational manner to acclimate to liking new, healthy foods!
- Extra zinc [800-1000 IU]. The why: helps expand palette of picky eaters, stay on growth curve [including developmental delays/ hypotonia], and appetite helper!
- Fiber up [slowly]! 19 g for 1-3 yr old's; 25 g for 4-8 yr old's; 30 g for 9 yr old and up. The why: Helps with muscle tone, and you know elimination ;)
- DHA & EPA [healthy fats]. Kids 3-5 get 500-1000 mg; kids 5 and up get at least 1000 mg. The why: helps with behavioral issues, attention span, speech articulation & comprehension
- More Greens! The why: Helps manage sugar [among other things.]
- Low [only natural source] sugar diet. Of course there'll be days/ times we have exceptions [especially for special occasions.] The why: Sugar is addictive; less sugar= less negative behaviors [in some instances]
- Probiotics. The why: happy digestive system, helps w/ behavior issues; auditory and expressive communication.
- Buy Organic! The why: Learning about the History of Pesticides was seriously shocking! [If you don't know it's basically a diluted poison that they made for WWII.] Do you REALLY want poison in your body, even if it IS diluted?] Pesticides can interfere w/ child development, cognitive ability, neurological problems, hormones dysfunction, & behavioral issues.
The following are HIGHLY recommended to buy organic [at the very least]:
Peaches, apples, sweet bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, pears,
winter squash, spinach, grapes, lettuce, potatoes, green beans, hot peppers, cucumbers,
mushrooms, cantaloupe
The following are probably fine non-organic [wash as usual]:
applesauce, raspberries, plums, grapefruit, tangerine, apple juice, honeydew melon,
tomatoes, sweet potatoes, watermelon, cauliflower, broccoli, OJ, blueberries, papaya,
cabbage, bananas, kiwi, canned tomatoes, sweet peas, asparagus, mango, canned pears,
pineapple, sweet corn, avocado, onions - Vitamin E & phophtidycholine (PC) [maybe.] The why: Good for helping picky eaters, Great for expressive & receptive communication, helpful for kids with sensory issues/ behavioral issues
- Multivitamin [we're already doing that b/c it just makes sense.]
Go Lindsay!!