Monday, October 29, 2012

Leila's Therapy notes

Not really for anyone else but me to refer back to so I can have in one place what I'm doing/ supposed to be doing:

* Positional words
        put the item on the _____
        put the item in the _____
        put the item under the _____
     later in the week flip it from telling her what to do to asking her where it is
        Is the item under or in the __________? (for example)

Occupational Therapy:
* Practice pulling pennies out of putty for hand strength
      - hide pennies under pinky & ring until collect 5
      - move from palm to pinch grasp (same hand)
      - pinch to put in piggy bank
* For strength: yoga, wheelbarrow walk, carrying [5-10% body weight- pumpkin, backpack,
      groceries, books, jug, etc]
     - for yoga do Superman & Roly-Poly
* Fold towels, socks

Physical Therapy:
* Do Superman & Roly-Poly yoga poses. 10 seconds each, x3 each day
* Practice standing without holding onto anything (alternating legs)
* Go up and down steps while switching feet [one per step]

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